"That time" in a relationship: to go left or right?

Not sure if are we the only few who needs that freedom in life even when you've found yourself that 'someone'. Now that I've left home, getting more time to think about my future, my life and sometime to reflect on my past, I do wonder why am I doing this right now at this moment of my life, shouldn't I be doing other stuff? And sometimes it goes more extreme, will I regret if I continue with this? where will I be in 5 years if I am doing this right now? What is the cause and effect if I continue with this?

I have so much time to myself to the extend that I am over-worry-ing my life. Then it comes to the relationship thing.

One often question we always ask ourself, is this the one? Is this really what I want? Is this my future? What if this is not the one? Why am I wasting time on this? Am I supposed to make things work or will things just work out if its meant to be?

Yes, all these were on my mind once(or more than once, my friends know<3 a="" about="" actually="" all="" and="" answer="" blog="" by="" can="" cause="" clear="" decision="" for="" forgive="" frustrations="" i="" listening="" ll="" m="" make="" mind="" my="" myself="" nbsp="" only="" p="" person="" promised="" questions.="" questions="" thanks="" that="" the="" these="" this="" to="" ve="" when="" who="">
After reading all the articles on social media, "how do you know he/she is the one?" / "Difference between want and need" / "5 signs if you're in the wrong relationship" and the lists goes on. At that time, the more article i read, the more lost I am.

I've also asked my friends, how do you know if you want someone or you need someone.
"Is needing someone means that you're only used to the existence that person and not that you really want them?"
"Is wanting someone means that you want them as a possession, you don't really need them but you just basically wants to own them?"
For me it still makes more sense when you actually want that person, even if you don't need them you want them. But as for my friend actually say that, you need both to make a relationship work.

Then, when you realise its even more complicated when it comes to thinking about the future.
"How do you know if this is really what you want?" / "Are you wasting time on something that won't exist in the future?"

All these questions, some people might think that this is over-thinking, some people might think that we are supposed to think like this if you want to commit in a relationship.

Yes, we are all always lost. Not knowing what you want, you might think that any decision you make at that time will make you regret.

Now that I have made my decision, I realise. I realise you are the person who will create the answer for all the question you've asked. Don't let the articles or what others say affect your relationship, you might just want someone to listen to your problems, thoughts and maybe give you some advice but never make that decision after that emotional breakdown. You might be the person who wants a relationship where you want your other half to tell you what to do, cause you just want someone to guide you. You might be the person to be the one demanding stuff, cause you don't like to follow the rules. You might be the person who just want the both of you to do everything together, or maybe the other way round. That is why there is no right or wrong relationship, its just the kind of relationship that you would prefer as spending-the-rest-of-your-life type of relationship.

To go left or right?

All I can tell you is that both sides, there will be rainbow and there will be storm.
There will be happiness and there will be sadness.
There will be lamb chops and there will be chicken chops.
There will be apples and there will be strawberries.
There will be carrot and there will be potatoes.
There will be wealth and there will be poor.
There will be laughter and there will also be anger.
There will be black and there will be yellow.

Both sides, there will be good and there will be bad, it depends on how you are going to live it in the future.

That one quote that woke me up: "You always have a type, until you fall in love."

It made sense.

You can have your other half on your right hand, having a list of your "type" on your left hand, checking if they match your "criteria(S)", but what's the point of having your type when you didn't fall in love ?

And when you fall in love... do you even check?

So just clear your mind and just make a decision and never regret it. You are the one who make yourself regret.

Make that decision and live the fullest out of it. Don't let yourself regret on your choice. Make that the best decision you've ever made, its not the decision itself but how you live that decision.

If you ever want to change your mind after that, there is always a way. There is no dead end. :)
