Not sure if i'm a shopaholic or not....

I am now actually sitting in the middle of Queen Street in brisbane CBD, cause I have no where to go while waiting for my friend to come rescue me from being stranded in the city. And then..... here comes the idea to write this blog while i was browsing through the bookshelves in one of the bookstore. * I do feel weird blogging in the middle of people walking up and down or doing their shopping. *

Anyways, I'm gonna start with myself getting into trouble like....... SPENDING TOO MUCH ON CLOTHES.... or maybe not just clothes, it includes.... well literally everything. Friends who know me well knows very well that I'd turn into a monster once my shopping mode is ON. That's gonna be when you take away my wallet and cards and shit like that from me or else... I'll end up broke. T.T

Okay, these are the definition of Shopaholic on google that I've found...

1) a compulsive shopper.



a frequent shopper, especially one who is unable to control his or herspending.

FML I just cannot deny or to say that I'm not.

Which also explains why I don't go shopping alone even though I really enjoy doing it alone  T.T

Where do I start...... why I start.... kay here's the list:

  1. During lectures, when it gets boring I started going onto websites and started scrolling, from one brand to another, from dresses to bags, from no brand to branded stuff, when will the scrolling ends? When I look at my bank account.
  2. When I'm just chilling... looking at my instagram newsfeed, BAAAHHMMMM ads of phone covers, people buying new purse, photos of online shops pops up... and they all look so pretty and I DONT OWN ANY OF THOSE..I THINK I NEED ONE
  3. and of course, FACEBOOK ads on the right side, Facebook online shops.......why am i always tempted to buy stuff?
  4. strolling down the street, came to see/look/observe my friend shop, ends up picking up that dress, went into the fitting room... I wonder why those clothes fit so perfectly WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY 
  5. heyyyyy, sale season!!
  6. Looking at my closet thinking I need to buy something else to go with this top.
  7. Me: "OH LOOK! That floral skirt!" Mom:"You had a skirt like that already." Me:"No its not in this design, its almost something like that but different."
  8. I gain weight already, I cannot wear this kind of skirt anymore, I need another kind.  I'll wear back this one when I slim down. 
If  you still want me to go on I can but I don't think I need to. I guess some of you can relate? * please say yes * 


  1. No worries. Earn more, shop more :D - A 18 guy from Malaysia.


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