Hungry mornings : Overnight Oat

Whether its a Sunday or a tuesday or even Friday, I will never wanna get out of bed in the morning. So.... One day.... I've decided to try out overnight oat, so I went on google and get recipes of overnight oats. I LOVE OATS, like seriously. Overnight oat is now the only thing that gets me motivated to actually wake up. It's food, and its oat. OMG how am I going to lose weight like this :3 I mean, not about eating oat but food comes first no matter what it is. HAHAHA

Usually they only put into the fridge over one night, but I actually put my overnight oat into the freezer. Here's what I have in my yummmyyyy overnight oat :

1. Kiwi + blueberry + cranberry
2. Peanut butter + banana
3. Mixed nuts
4. Vanilla yoghurt
5. oats
6. Soy Milk (should be almond milk)

 The one on the right is, Peanut butter + banana + almond + Honey ❤️
The one on the left is, Frozen Kiwi + Cranberries + Blueberries 🍇

Personally my fav one is the one on the right cause, I LOVE KIWISSS and its super refreshing to have this in the morning.

I use quick oat instead of the traditional ones cause I bought them before this, it's also one of the reason why I started making overnight oat... to finish it up. HAHA

How to make this fruity overnight oat?
Firstly, get all your ingredients needed. ( Kiwi, cranberries, blue berries, milk, vanilla yoghurt, oat and a jar)
Secondly, mix the oat with hot water and then add in the vanilla yoghurt (How much? depends on how big your jar is)
Secondly, fill 1/4 of the jar and then add in some blueberries and cranberries.
Then, add in the more oat and top the oat with some more blueberries and raspberries and my fav KIWI !
And of course, pour in the rest of the oat into the jar and make it look pretty by topping up some blueberries. ;)

Then, close the jar tightly and let it freeze before you sleep and walaahhh, there you go. Your frozen fruit overnight oat is ready to eat in the morning! :)

As for the peanut butter + banana, its really easy.
Firstly, prepare your oat with the same steps : oat + water, then soy/almond milk. I'd prefer this non-frozen, so I'll just put all of the oat into the jar and close it tightly then put it into the fridge for around 8 hours.

Then, the preparation starts after the 8 hours.
1. Slice the 1 banana
2. Add in 2 spoons of peanut butter and also a spoon of honey into the same bowl together with the banana
3. Microwave it for 30 seconds (till you can mix the peanut butter together with the honey and the banana is soft)

There you go, you can top your overnight oat with all this and also add a few more slices of non-microwaved banana on top.

These are the two of my fav over night oat ! I love mine, hope you like yours! <3 p="">
