Good way to end March.

Couldn't believe March is going to end so soon. 

Our project that i have been looking forward to had just ended.

OMGGGGGGGGG. I was so worried until this morning. Scared that something was going to go wrong, or..... SOMEHTING WAS GOING TO GO WRONG.

Well though some stuff did go wrong but, I really hope that everyone enjoyed the fucntion ! 
Its an environmental function, my juniors as i can see put their heart and soul into this fucntion.
Its really fun to see them doing their very best in this function,
reminds me how i was. HAHAHA

Couldn't believe Imma leave them so soon. Its already March. I am proud to be in this club, 
Having to meet so many people , having these juniors.

Cried after the funciton.
We all could see that where you guys stand. I am proud. :)  
