the giraffe cafe :) my lunch ;D

cafe giraffe ;D
 windy. my table is windy. windy is my table. 
after spm menu. ahha (5pm )

 isk i like the bottle. ikea has it. 
 love the picture.
 bucket full of sugar.
 hehe. hahaha. hohoho. tree in the cafe.

this is cute right. ;D
lamp post with a ribbon on it. 

 i want that bag. which starts with a l and ends with a v. ;D
 bite bite.
 mango frappe.
 taegeong. :)
 ju to ki. 
 i ate this. masala chicken wrap. ;D
 chicken risotto

our dessert. belgium chocolate pudding

the post card beside me :)

giraffe ;D

the pinky toilet 

